Chinese Language - Overview
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Chinese Language, with at least 6,000 years of history, can be refer to Spoken Chinese Language (a tonal language) or Written Chinese Language (a pictographic language).

Variants of Spoken Chinese (dialects) can be different enough to be mutually incomprehensible. However, dialects of Chinese always share a common written form with occasional dialect-specific characters, such as in Cantonese.

(Standard) Mandarin is the standard dialect of Spoken Chinese.

The Written Chinese, a pictographic language system with a more than 4,000 years history, currently has two writing systems: Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

To learn Chinese Language, you need to learn how to pronounce/read Chinese and write Chinese. There are many tools/methods that can help you to learn Chinese Language, for example, Pinyin is a romanization can help you to learn Mandarin and Jyutping is a romanization can help you to learn Cantonese, while Strokes and Radicals can help you to learn Chinese characters.

Tips: For more information about concepts of Chinese Language, see the embedded lessons.